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Angel 6.0 (Alien Captive Box Set): Space Opera Romance by Travis Luedke

Angel 6.0 (Alien Captive Boxset): Space Opera Romance - Travis Luedke

*I was given these stories individually from the author in exchange for my honest review.*

From Angel 6.0: Concubine:
Travis really delves into a woman's deepest and darkest fantasies and does it with no warning. It's sexy, dirty, taboo, and it was hot!! 
From Angel 6.0 Escape:
I'll say this, it's sad BUT I felt it was necessary because you see Angel's character develop and you can start to see emotions surface.
From Angel 6.0: Enslaved:
I especially liked how we got introduced to new characters. Chilla, I was so glad Angel finally made a friend of the same gender. They helped each other out to get through Cronin's abusive treatment of them both. Ladies, let's stick together. Women power & all that shit. The Royal family. The Emporer & Empress with their son & daughter, ALL had such an infatuation with Angel. Especially Rollick, the young Prince. Hopefully we'll get some more insight on THAT later on.
From Angel 6.0: Pursuit:
Overall, I felt feelings while reading this book that was unexpected. I like that though. There's a realness to this fantasy. Angel gets many of her secrets revealed and while some people couldn't handle the truth right away, it was resolved but not really when war is knocking on your front door to your happily ever after.
From Angel 6.0: Emissary:
This Space Opera wrapped up, not as epic and blown out of the water, like I'd thought it would be, (you know Science Fiction & all). The author had a more subtle approach, a believable one, to the end and it indeed came full circle. If you like your Sci-Fi naughty and gory then this series is one hell of a wild ass adventure you won't want to miss out on. 

The Angel 6.0 series really shouldn't be passed up. It's dangerous, sexy, and addictive!! If you pass this series up, you just might hate yourself later.